Kirill Shmelev
+7 995 537-35-14 ru

How to Get a Braille Display for a Child for Free

Кирилл Шмелёв

Since 2022, Braille displays have been included in the list of technical rehabilitation tools (TRT) for children with visual disabilities. Parents of such children can receive this device for free as part of a rehabilitation program. In this article, I will explain how to do it.

Who is eligible for a Braille display

According to the Order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation dated May 6, 2022, No. 288n, children aged six to seventeen with severe visual impairments can receive a Braille display from the government. Currently, there is no such provision for adults over 18, except for deafblind individuals, who can receive a display at any age.

Step-by-step guide to obtaining a Braille display

To obtain a Braille display, follow the instructions below. Each step includes the necessary information and documents for successfully receiving the device.

1. Visiting the Doctor

  1. Consult your pediatrician to get a referral for a medical and social examination (MSE).
  2. Documents to bring with you:
    • Parent/guardian’s passport.
    • Child’s birth certificate/passport.
    • Child’s Social Security Number (SNILS).
    • Child’s compulsory medical insurance policy.
    • Previous Individual Rehabilitation and Habilitation Program (IRP), if available.

2. Passing the MSE

  1. Wait for the scheduled date of the MSE commission after receiving the referral.
  2. Attend the commission on the appointed date.
  3. After the commission, receive a new IRP with a recommendation for a Braille display.

3. Applying to the Social Insurance Fund (SIF)

  1. Visit the regional office of the Social Insurance Fund (SIF).
  2. Documents to bring with you:
    • Parent/guardian’s passport.
    • Child’s birth certificate/passport.
    • Child’s SNILS.
    • New IRP received after the commission.
    • Parent/child’s MIR card number.

4. Application for a Braille Display

  1. Submit an application to the SIF to receive a Braille display. There are three ways to obtain any TRT, including a Braille display:
  • Request the provision of a specific TRT. You can choose the TRT from the product catalog on the SIF website.
  • Apply for compensation if you purchased the TRT yourself. Important: The need for it must be established in the IRP. If the Braille display was not included in your IRP, you cannot request compensation. Also, keep in mind that the device should be purchased after it has been included in the IRP. If the display was bought before it was added to the rehabilitation program, compensation will not be provided.
  • Request an electronic certificate for purchasing TRT. You can use it in stores when purchasing the device, but again, the TRT must be included in the IRP. I highly recommend choosing the electronic certificate option! This way, you can select the device yourself within the approved amount.
  1. Wait for a call from the SIF with the date and time for device collection.

5. Receiving the Braille Display

  1. On the scheduled date, collect the Braille display from the SIF or receive confirmation of the certificate activation. If you chose the electronic certificate option, you can now go to a specialized store and purchase the display using the card linked to the certificate. For example, you can visit one of the following stores: Dostupnaya Sreda, Istok-Audio, Tiflomir, ALFA SREDA, or any other store.
  2. Selection criteria:
  • Number of cells. This depends on the usage scenario; for mobility, a 16-20 cell option is suitable, and for a stationary workplace, 30-40 cells are ideal.
  • Bluetooth support — highly recommended. It allows the display to connect wirelessly with phones, laptops, and some specialized devices.

Documents for All Steps (summary)

  1. Visiting the Doctor:

    • Parent/guardian’s passport.
    • Child’s birth certificate/passport.
    • Child’s SNILS.
    • Child’s medical insurance policy.
    • Previous IRP (if available).
  2. MSE Commission:

    • Parent/guardian’s passport.
    • Child’s birth certificate/passport.
    • Child’s SNILS.
    • MSE certificate (pink certificate).
    • New IRP.
  3. Applying to the SIF: I recommend choosing the electronic certificate option!

    • Parent/guardian’s passport.
    • Child’s birth certificate/passport.
    • Child’s SNILS.
    • Received IRP.
    • Parent/child’s MIR card number.

What to do if the MSE Bureau refuses to include the display in the IRP

A person with a visual impairment (or their legal representative) arranges the IRP at the MSE bureau at their place of residence. If they disagree with the decision, they can appeal to the main MSE bureau within a month from the date of receipt. To do this, a written application must be submitted to the bureau that conducted the MSE or to the main bureau. The application can be submitted either in paper form or electronically through the state services portal. If the main bureau also refuses to include the display in the IRP, this decision can also be appealed within a month after receiving it. The appeal must be made to the Federal Bureau. In addition, the decision of any of these institutions can be contested in court.

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